And I Thought MCCain-Feingold Was Bad…

Noted all over, the governor of the state where America’s Third World County is located (yeh, I voted for the guy–one of my few happy votes) has gone public with condemnations of the Obama campaign’s brownshirting of view that oppose The One,

Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement

JEFFERSON CITY – Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics…

Read the rest of Governor Matt Blunt’s statement here.

Dan Rhiel suggests a grassroots blog protest using the posting of the following NRA ad which has been a target of the Obama campaign’s brownshirt tactics. Roger, Dan, Wilco.

Trackposted to Blog @, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Wingless, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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