Constitutional Amendments I’d Like to See Passed

1. Repeal the 17th Amendment
2. Limit the terms of congresscritters
3. Amend the 14th Amendment to clarify “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” to explicity exclude citizenship to ALL children born to illegal aliens (as the original Senate discussion of the amendment would support*, contra 20th century bureaucratic fiat from Foggy Bottom)
4. It may seem trivial at first, unworthy of an amendment to the Constitution, but think it through a bit… Institute a halt to any further federal holidays, ending with one last one mentioned in the amendment: National Potomoc Day, where the entire electorate is invited to descend upon Congress like locusts and devour its substance, dunk congresscritters, bureaucraps, judges and justices, president, vp, cabinet members, etc. in the Potomoc, and party on from there… Hey! It’d work for me.
5. Add real teeth to the 10th amendment. Madison’s “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined” as eventually embodied in the Constitution itself and emphasized in the 10th amendment is routinely ignored by the “feddle gummint” we have today. Let’s have an amendment that requires each and every bill and each and every bureuacratic fiat to be specifically justified by specific wording in the Constitution itself–as explicitly explained by the Framers themselves in their own words–authorizing such bill or bureaucratic ruling. Right there: reduce the budget by 90%. Specific exception made to “cruel and unusual punishment” for federal government employees of any kind convicted of abuse of the Constitution. Forfeiture of all worldly possessions for any congresscritter or bureaucrap (and their extended families) who violates this amendment. Banishment and eternal reprobation without absolution, amnesty, pardon, or remission to follow. Erasure of such persons’ names from all records public and private. Made into complete non-persons. Shunned, avoided, eschewed, ostracized. Made absolute pariah, to be spat upon, abused, debased, tortured and maligned at will by any citizen. IOW, kindness, generosity and mercy beyond measure extended to such vile vermin.

Now, don’t you like those proposals for amendments to our Constitution? Would they not indeed be aids in restoring the representative republic we’ve long lost? I certainly think them moderate, restrained, well-measured responses to the overweening anarcho-tyranny that our “feddle gummint” has become.


*During the original debate over the amendment, Senator Jacob Howard of Ohio, the author of the citizenship clause described the clause as . . . excluding not only Indians but “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”

One Reply to “Constitutional Amendments I’d Like to See Passed”

  1. First, I am one of those who believe elections are term limits. But there is a whole ‘nother discussion that would be required to elaborate on that and the reasons why.

    If you were running for elected office how successful would you be using this post as part of your campaign?

    The only other thing i can say right now on amendments is it is a messy affair and to me the results of such efforts is unclear on whether they merit the attention

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