More Lies, Damned Lies and Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind “Trutherism”

Let’s let this post begin with some Begala (rhymes with “Big Caca”):

I was in the middle of a Neil Armstrong Moment when I was on CNN Tuesday morning. Rather than let McCain and Palin get away with their lie, anchor John Roberts played a videotape of Sarah Palin in a 2006 gubernatorial debate in which she endorsed the bridge from Ketchikan to Gravina Island saying, “I’m not going to stand in the way of progress that our congressional delegation and the position of strength that they have right now.” Perhaps her supporters, noting Palin’s support for banning books, teaching creationism and doubting global warming will argue that for her, calling the bridge “progress” was her way of saying she was against it.)

Full stop. Would that be the “anchor John Roberts” who recently “slipped and said ‘we’ when asking [Begala] how Democrats should respond to Republican attacks”? Well, obvious bias aside, what’s the substance of Begala’s attack? As to the Bridge to Nowhere, see my previous post today, Mr. Begala (he won’t, of course. Its substance–Jim DeMint’s article–is in the Evil Wall Street Journal, the reading of which no doubt gives Begala a rash).

See also a 2007 Associated Press report and the Alaska Democratic Party(!) website.

*blowing raspberry at Begala*

The banning books lie? Read this and weep, Mr. Begala. (note: the link is to a pdf) The first paragraph of the linked document suffices to demonstrate that Begala is a liar or a fool:

We at the City of Wasilla have received many emails and requests for information about “banned or censured” books at the Wasilla Library while former Mayor Palin was in office. We have no records of any books being “banned or censured” ever.

The emphasis is in the original.

And what of Biggaliah’s assertion that Palin supports “teaching creationism”? First, by simply and baldly stating a very genral assertion of contrafactual “trutherism” Begala is simply attempting to bias his readers’ perceptions of Palin as a whole. Second, by doing so, he’s attempting to impeach any arguments refuting his earlier assertion with this disingenuous, subtle ad hominem attack. But for anyone willing to do 30 seconds (or less) of fact checking, OK, maybe 45 seconds for a slow reader following up on footnotes giving actual sources, the “Palin wants radical fundie nutjobs teaching superstition in schools” meme falls flat.

Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska’s schools. She has said that students should be allowed to “debate both sides” of the evolution question, but she also said creationism “doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”

As to doubting global warming *sigh*. From Begala’s other bloviations, one gathers he means anthropogenic global warming as opposed to heliogenic global warming. *heh* That being the fair assumption based on Begala’s consistent stance, one can only respond to his assertion that Palin is a “global warming denier” (or at least dounter) with a big fat, “So? So she’s rational and you’re not. That’s a crime?”


What. A. Maroon.

Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, , Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, CORSARI D’ITALIA, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

The less than 30 seconds it took me to read the “analysis” at and click through to a primary source (Palin has not pushed creation science as governor,” Alaska Daily News–Dan Joling, with references aplenty) would have served Begala well, had he any desire for truth–or even to NOT appear to be an idiot.

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