Housekeeping Note

Due to some email I received recently from a visitor who just didn’t “get” a post of mine, I added the following to the “What is third world county about?” page:

I reserve the right to speak complete nonesense (see “silliness” reference above) if I wish to. Usually, I’ll give some indication that I’m doing so, but if I do write something that’s nonsense, and I don’t hang out some obvious sign that I’m doing so, AND you are simply too dull to catch it, no problems. We’ll both just blame your mother.

Are we clear now?


2 Replies to “Housekeeping Note”

  1. LOL! This post has me laughing! I think perhaps you cleared it up for those who just don’t get your posts. Heck, they probably won’t be back anyway.

  2. *heh*

    /I’ll reallllly miss ’em if so.


    Notsomuch. I gave up trying to pound sand between 7th graders’ ears quite some few years ago. Some *huh?!?*s I get remind me why…

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