RepCon Semi-live Blogging

Caught a little of Norm Coleman (somebody get that man to an eating disorder therapist! *heh*).

Saw a bit of Mitt Romney (boring) and The Huckster (looked like a snake shedding its skin). *yawn*

“To be President, it’s not enough to [just] be present.”–Rudy Giuliani, speaking about The Obamassiah’s legislative record (because The Obamassiah has no executive record) of “voting” on legislative acts, “present” instead of actually making a decision between yes and no.

“Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy.”


“More experience as an executive than Obama and Biden combined.”–Giuliani again.

The above, of course, as a prelude to the big attraction tonight: the Sarah Palin speech scheduled to begin… whenever Giuliani finally finishes. Stemwinder? Not quite, but he has managed to push all the hot buttons.

Not going to try to do a transcript or anything, just impressions.

Thunderous reception to Palin. (Hey, notice who’s holding Trig?)

OK, enough with the cheers, already. Take charge, Sarah.

Begins with acceptance and tribute to McCain. Brings standard applause.

Goes to McCain’s Iraq stance and Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind counting him out for it. Palin attributes McCain’s nomination to “determination, resolve and sheer guts”–“a true profile in courage”.

[Edit: meant to say here that I attribute Juan Mexicain’s nomination to the “fact” that it was just “his turn”–it’s a Repugnican’t thing. Meant to say it, but ears and fingers don’t work all that fast together anymore and time and tide wait for no man… *sigh*]

“…troops in Iraq who have now brought victory so close…” “and as mother of one of those troops” (C-Span: camera on Track). Plays the “fine men and women in uniform” and moves from Track through the list of family members present with aplomb (Trig now in Dad’s arms).

Elliptical allusion to “family issues” (“special needs children” “a friend and advocate in the White House”) Todd–hits his “common man” features, including the Inuit connection–faithful marriage, etc. Now Mom & Dad featured–parents on camera–hey! I think I know them! Don’t they live in my neighborhood? (Thumped the “common mn” bone some more with Harry Truman reference.)

(LOTS of pride in America, common man stuff.)

Hockey mom and PTA. Trots out the “hockey mom/pit bull” comparison again (one of her “stump” phrases).

“Since [Obamaites] look down on [small towns]”

“[S]mall time mayor is sorta like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities.”

Thumps the “bitter people clinging to their religion and guns” Obama gaffe.

“…not a member of the permanent political establishment… [so] some of the media consider me unqualified for that reason alone.” *heh*

“I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion; I’m going to serve the American people.” (S’what I heard–close to the prepared comments that were published.)

“…challenge the status quo, to serve the common good and to leave this nation better than we found it…”

re: Alaska: ” …put the government back on the side of the people.”

Hits national security-petro connection (throws in consumer/economic matters): refers elliptically to ANWR (gets the “Drill baby, drill” chant). Elides into drilling vs. doing nothing (the real Dhimmicrappic “plan”)

Hard hit on The Obamassiah’s two books, lotsa speeches, NO LEGISLATION.

“…styrofoam Greek columns back in some studio lot…”

Hits The Obamassiah’s tax raise plans as his real “economic plan”. What his taxaholic plans do for (negative) job creation.

“change to promote careers vs. careers to promote change”

Hagiography of McCain’s record again. *sigh* Sold out, Sarah?

“Harry Reid and the do nothing Senate” Endorsement from Reid? “Can’t stand McCain”

“Presidency not supposed to be a journey of self-discovery” “[World] not just a community and doesn’t need an organizer”

Waves the bloody flag a bit. Ends with pitch for McCain again. Family comes up to join her. Holding Trig, now.

McCain joins–with a hand mic–what’s up?

Ebulliantly, “Don’t you think we made the best choice for the next Vice President of the United States? [cheers] And what a beautiful family. [McCain tutoring Palin on keeping “face” toward delegates who “need” recognition. “Field talk” passed between candidates as they pass each other working different parts of the crowd, etc.]

OK, she hit all the points she needed to tonight. I expect to hear more in the coming days.

Was it a home run? Maybe. Maybe a three bagger that may become a home run on errors from the Obama team, IMO.

Fox commenters talking about Palin’s speech “written for her” a lot, not realizing, I suppose, how many of the key digs were actually hers, recycled from past political events in her life. And, of course, her delivery was worlds ahead of anything I’ve ever seen/heard from the “great speaker” The Obamassiah.

Karl Rove notes her undoubted input to the speech, giving her more credit than the Fox ‘heads did.

4 Replies to “RepCon Semi-live Blogging”

  1. i wanted to tell u that when i read this at first i was cracking up.

    and off topic, as a libertarian i pick on dems and gop equally, and loved you comment on my blog, especially two step line – had me rolling. u welcome at my spot anytime folk

  2. rdb,

    I’ve never been able to more succinctly top RL Dabney’s comment condemning 19th century liberalism AND conservatism (though the cons get the worst of it, IMO):

    “Conservatism’s history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.”

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