Alan Colmes: a Disgusting Sack of…


[See UPDATE below]

Maybe. Newsbusters offers a link to a page that’s “down” (and the cached page isn’t available from the notoriously left-leaning Google) wherein Alan Colmes is reported to have claimed, “…that Palin didn’t practice proper prenatal care before she had the baby with Down’s Syndrome, blaming the Mother for her disabled child.”

Now, IF this is indeed true (and I’d sooner trust Newsbusters than Google on something like this), then Alan Colmes is either

1. One of the stupidest people on the face of the planet or
2. A lying sack of shit

or… possibly both.’s page on Down Syndrome (in the pediatrics section) gives a succinct FAQ that is in agreement with other readily-accessible information for those who never learned the basic background on Down Syndrome, including in its comments the common knowlege that,

Down syndrome is not attributable to any behavioral activity of the parents or environmental factors.

Alan Colmes has always struck me (OK, in the three times I have actually heard him open his pie hole) as a particularly stupid person, but this is beyond stupid. I’d like to see the original comment, but it may never become available, now that Colmes’ fluffers have had an opportunity to scrub things, if that is indeed what has happened.


Alan Colmes: do NOT feed him to the polar bears. THAT could cause an extinction event, wiping out the benefit to polar bears of Arctic drilling, etc.


UPDATE: Whizbang! has the entire post, and the post itself is slightly less bad than was first reported at Newsbusters. His real idiocy was questioning Palin’s judgement for following her doctor’s advice.

The really stupid thing Colmes did was to take the post down and then lie about his reasons (Yes, the evidence–as I read it–says he lied about why he took it down) only reposting a screenshot of it when it turned up on another site.

What. A. Weenie. Sad sack of shit indeed.

Trackposted to Is It Just Me?, The Pink Flamingo, A Blog For All, Political Byline, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and A Newt One-McCain/Palin out front, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

One Reply to “Alan Colmes: a Disgusting Sack of…”

  1. ah yes the leftards and their vile spewing spokesfreaks..great find..p.s. found u in my spam filter and uploaded the comment..TY for droppin by!!: 🙂

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