So, Budweiser’s on the sales block, and the deal’s as good as done eh? Much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth by those who see this aquisition of an American icon by a Belgian company as a harbinger of American decline.

Horse puckey. We sell America to Middle Eastern terrorist backers to the tune of $50billion/year. What’s so hard about selling a company that makes their beers with a “unique filtration process” (water through horses?) to a company that makes skunky ales?
Just something for the twittering class to yammer about instead of dealing with real issues sanely.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, A Newt One, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
I don’t mind drinking Budweiser now and then, although your description of the unique filtration process might just change my mind. ๐
Personally, I don’t care who Budweiser gets sold to. It sounds like an ordinary business deal between companies and stockholders. It’s not like Anheuser-Busch is in the business of manufacturing vital products for national defense or something.
I much prefer drinking Sam Adam’s lager anyway.
I’ve actually not had any Sam Adams beer I didn’t like. Buds? I’d rather leave than take ’em, frankly. Better than drinking my own urine as a survival measure, but not by an order of mnagnitude, IMO. *heh*
And that’s keeping in mind my tolerance for slightly skunky beers. (What can I say? Brewers who make their beers–representative samples of Stella Artois, produced by the purchasers of A-B, spring readily to mind–by “milking” skunks at least have my respect for their fortitude :-))
hey there David…how bout the Chrysler Bldg being sold to Arabs..that ruffle any feathers? pfftt! ๐