On the subject of the destruction – nay! extermination! – of meaningful communication, this sidebar:
More and more often I find myself baffled by the precipitous pejoration of “decimate” used to imply utter and complete destruction instead of the former pejoration implying destruction of a large part of [whatever]. What useful purpose does it serve to utterly destroy a formerly useful sense of a word? It’s almost as bad as Dhimmicraps harping on “democracy” when they mean “tyranny by means of vote fraud.”
“Destroy one in ten” just doesn’t have that same ring to it.
On the other hand, defenestrate is way cool. Now if only I had an open window high enough to toss a certain “republican” senator from my state out of.
Apparently, soon to not even be a DIABLO/RIMO (Dhimmicrap In All But Label Only). I have read that he is renouncing the ideals he has never actually held.
Heck, even the lexicographical acceptance of “destruction of a large part of” for “decimate” isn’t bad enough for the “eeejits” who misuse it to mean “utterly destroy,” In fact, I have seen the maggot-gagging misuse, “utterly decimate.” *smh*