A Classic Post from 2007

Ifonly more people understood Johnny English, perhaps the West, and particularly the U.S.–who cares about France anymore?–could survive the onslaught of leftists (of darned near all stripe), Muzzies, Greens, Aztlan invaders and other barbarians (see your daily Mass MEdia Podpeople for examples: whatever *cough* “the Mother Ship orbiting Uranus” *cough* has approved for plaudits you can count on being bad for civilization).

But if the message of that marvelous film, Johnny English, were properly grasped, perhaps the End of the West could be averted. I’ll leave you with these priceless gems of wisdom to get you started:

A good agent doesn’t need gadgets. The only gadgets I’ve ever needed are a sharp eye, sensitive hearing and a whole bunch of bigger brains.

As far as I’m concerned, the only thing the French should be allowed to host is an invasion.

All right, so I was wrong about the Archbishop’s bottom.

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