The Continuing Saga of Catrina

Well, arose yesterday A.M. to discover that my Wonder Woman’s cat was apparently nowhere to be found. ALWAYS comes running when food’s put out, but. . . nope. *sigh* Wondered if she had scooted out when one of us had let the dog out, sometime after the last time she had poked her head out in the afternoon the day before.

So, set out the live trap again.

Late yesterday afternoon, she finally came crying at the basement door, of all places–not a place she has ever been known to go before, Who let her down there? Mystery. Aywho, back and sassy. But. . .

I remembered this A.M. that I’d set the live trap out, so went outside under the deck to. . . free the trapped opossum. Yep. Not exactly happy about it (lotsa hissing, as per opossum norm), but happy to be released. Ran off, climbed a tree, and then just sat there glaring at me. Good ‘possum. Gad he/she’s around.

Selling the live trap. Yeh, if Catrina ges out again, it’s on her.

Aside: gave Catrina a bath with a therapeutic shampoo for some hotspots she’s developed, and she now lives in our bathroom. New covered litter box, juuuuusst for her alone. Towel on a shelf where she has decided to sleep/perch–now (she had started sleeping in the liter box!)/ “Sensitive skin & stomach” special food rounds out her opulent confinement. . . and “torture chamber.” (Baths, you know. *heh*) Well, atleast she is sheltered from coming into contact with the fleas we canNOT seem to completely eradicate from Jaxson, our oldest cat (~18 years. Strangely, our lil “rescue kitty”–Pixel–seems immune to fleas–no, seriously! I didn’t get her treated one cycle–long story–and she remained free from them throughout, though I did eventually discover the extra ampule of “flea bane” and realize what had happened. She’s still kinda standoffish toward the other animals, though.).

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