Touching Serendip

In a happy accident, a couple of bottles of my most recent sparking hard apple cider turned out as apple cider vinegar. Just those two. *shrugs* I’m fine with it, but I kinda wonder why just those two, while all the rest have been as expected.

Still, tonight’s dinner:

Sweet and sour pork chops and veggies cooked in a rice cooker used as an “instapot.”

Chops seasoned with my fav seasoned salt, minced garlic and pepper.
Mixed veggies (red and yellow bell pepper, broccoli, snow peas, green beans) in a mild soy-based sauce.
Sauce added: unmeasured amounts to taste: my apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, sucralose, corn starch.

Was, according to my Wonder Woman, juuuuust sweet enough to offset the vinegar and soy.

*whew!* Experimental cooking that turns out delish is da bomb. (When it doesn’t turn out so well, it just bombs. *heh*)

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