Easy-Peasy, Quick and Filling

Because I’m lazy, I like one pan meals. Here’s one we had this evening. Good eats. Note the amounts given, and adjust however you like. *heh*


Some smoked “cocktail sausages”
Some cubed and cooked (boiled) potatoes
Some chopped bell pepper and onion
Some fresh or frozen green peas or other veggie you like (I’ve done this dish with other meats and other veggies; tonight was green peas)
a few eggs, beaten together with some *heh* heavy cream
Some shredded cheese. Tonight I used a packaged cheddar/monterrey jack mix
Some freshly ground pepper

Start warming the lil sausages in a medium-heat pan (~285F). They’ll release enough of their oily goodness to saute the onions and bell pepper (other peppers, garlic, etc. are also good in this–use what you have and like). add the potatoes and let them start browning. Dump in the peas (or other veggies), top with cheese and then pour the beaten egg/heavy cream mixture over it. Cover and let it go for five minutes or so before you turn the heat down a bit. Takes about 15 minutes.

If you started this in a cast iron pan, you could put it in a 325F oven for that 15 minutes, uncovered, instead of leaving it on top of a burner. Nice browning of the cheese and a wee tad more “crusty” from the potatoes. Also good.

Different tastes, different ingredients, different temps and pans, as you wish. It’s still fritata-like delish-dish.

Wanna use leftover hash browns instead of cubed potatoes? I don’t know where one could get leftover hash browns, but sure. It’d be good. Leftover rice instead or potatoes? Also good. Easy-peasy, quick and filling. Delicious. Just Good eats.

2 Replies to “Easy-Peasy, Quick and Filling”

    1. Another easy-peasy-delish dish made as an homage to my mom’s standard use of leftover Sunday dinner (almost always roast beef, potatoes, carrots, onions and celery, with green beans or other veggie side) is roast beef hash. Shred leftover roast beef (if any *heh*); dice leftover boiled potatoes and any leftover roasted carrots and/or celery; sauté additional onions if not enough for your taste among leftovers, add freshly-ground pepper to taste, then warm all together at medium-low heat and then let simmer a while.

      Serve with whatever veggie side you wish.

      Delish, quick prep: ideal comfort food. Just yummers.

      Sidebar: There are football games on Monday night? Who knew? *heh*

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