Disturbing the Peace a Bit Too Much

Highly unusual event in America’s Third World County™, today. A homicide in a very peaceful area of the county (which makes it very peaceful indeed). Picture of guy sought looks like an in-mover, so he just might not know what he’s let himself in for. . .

Overall, though, this doesn’t change the county’s standing as one of the safest places in the world. It’s an outlier. Our first homicide (not committed by a LEO–avoiding LEOs is just Good Practice, anyway) in a very, very, very long time.

One Reply to “Disturbing the Peace a Bit Too Much”

  1. Yep. Confirmed. In-mover, and that to a town that “disavows” any connection to America’s Third World County™ and would abscond to another county if the state allowed it to.

    Definite outlier.

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