Comfort Food

Although I’ve made the meal for years, last night, my Wonder Woman said, “I’m starting to view this as comfort food.” *huh* For me, it’s always been comfort food, an imitation of a meal my mom used to make on rare occasions back when I was just a lad.

Packaged chicken pot pies
A sort of mock Waldorf salad.

That’s it.

I miss the aluminum pans packaged chicken pot pies used to come in. They were so very useful for many things. Still, packaged chicken pot pies are pretty standardized, nothing to see there, really, but the salad?

OK, “mock Waldorf” because it includes apples and walnuts. The rest is shopped or shredded cabbage, chopped (almost minced) celery and/or celery seed, a can of fruit salad (drained), and mayonnaise. The amounts of cabbage, apple, walnut, etc., are variable, so the amount of mayo–added last–is too.

Last night, a couple of differences:

I just used a package of pre-shredded coleslaw mix that included julienned carrots.
Had no celery. Reached for the celery seed and started shaking some on (“measuring” b’guess-n-b’gosh) and realized I’d grabbed celery SALT. *meh* It ended up all right.

And finally, after decades of making this meal, it’s “comfort food” for my Wonder Woman. So, I have accomplished something in this life.


2 Replies to “Comfort Food”

    1. Rosemary, after The Great Flood of 2017, right now my view has narrowed to “save the basement!” With four finished rooms downstairs (bathroom two bedrooms one “sitting room”), that’s almost half our total square footage. Son&Heir has had his private “apartment” down there, using the bath, one bedroom, and the lil sitting room, while the other bedroom was PACKED with storage items. Yeh, it’ll take a couple more weeks to get it cleaned out, especially since we’ve had to move so much UPSTAIRS, making “camping out in our house” the modus operandus for the past couple of weeks.

      Then, after all cleanup and disinfecting is accomplished, new flooring and such.

      So, that’s what I’m saving now.

      BTW, comfort food last night and again tonight: sloppy joes tonight.

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