Are These the Best Candidates the Parties Could Find?

Many have asked the question, “Is this really the best the parties could come up with?” To answer this question, one must ask, “Best for what purpose?” The “parties” in question have for some time been little more than a Uniparty of statists concerned with little more than different tactics for enhancing their own power over society. As such, when the Uniparty selected its Anointed One, its Dhimmicrappic arm simply engineered its nomination. Now, how to assure its election? Hmmm, need a stalking horse. . . Oh, right! Make sure NOTHING, not even a legitimate challenge at convention, prevents the selection of an unelectable candidate by the Repugnican’ts!

And it was so.

And so the Uniparty has offered a fake choice of one of two evils for the presidency. (Oh, and down-ticket races are often not much better, just choices between two different statists).


As Thomas Sowell, a genuine national treasure, IMO, has recently written,

“If a third party candidate could divide the vote enough to prevent anyone from getting an electoral college majority, that would throw the election into the House of Representatives, where any semblance of sanity could produce a better president than these two.”

Here. An article that might help: How Not to Waste Your Vote: A Mathematical Analysis

Vote for Johnson/Weld instead of throwing your vote away on either one of the two worst candidates ever put forth by the Uniparty.

2 Replies to “Are These the Best Candidates the Parties Could Find?”

  1. You are so right (but you knew that), and I want to cry. However I will buck up until we can elect Ted Cruz! Yeah, I’ll vote Trump until then, but I’ll be holding more than my nose…my wallet! 😉

  2. I’ll not waste my vote voting for evil. I disagree with roughly half of Johnson’s positions (and agree with slightly more than half the official LP platform), but he is the only non-evil candidate who has an even remote chance of winning ANY electoral college votes, so it looks like I will spend my vote there.


    The article linked here outlines how NOT to waste your vote, and gives a brief mathematical explanation. Just sayin’.

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