Elite Group

Over the course of twelve years or so here at twc, I have “banned” (or blocked) a grand total of three people, each for being boring asshats (ordinary asshats I don’t mind, as long as they amuse me by giving me fun things to mock; boring asshats, OTOH. . . *heh*). Over the course of six years on FarceBook, I’ve–now–nlocked more. That’s especially interesting since I once had a very large amount of traffic @twc, and I have very few FarceBook friends (I have only accepted perhaps two “friend” requests per year, after the first year), by design.

Well, today someone earned a place on an extremely select list (fewer than the numbers of fingers on one hand): my FarceBook block list. How? A bitter, irrational lying screed proclaiming himself a “holocaust denier.” No, dialog with such persons is not a good use of my time, and even a quick skim of future post by them would be time poorly spent. I wish him the joy of his delusional, hateful life, such as it may be.

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