Health Benefits of Beer

[N.B. For sanity’s sake, do avoid the mass-produced stuff better poured back into the horse it came out of.]

“Beer, if drank in moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit, and promotes health.”–Thomas Jefferson

The Health Benefits (just google the phrases I have bolded for more than just one link to the info):

1.) Light-to-moderate beer drinking may lower stroke risk by as much as 20%.

2.) The polyphenols in red wine that have so much good press about their antioxidant effect reducing free radicals and reducing the risk of heart attacks? Beer has simmilar amounts of polyphenols and 2-3 servings a day can lower risk of coronary artery disease by 30-40%.

3.) Homocysteine has been shown to have strong links to heart disease, and Vitamin B6–great for controlling homocysteine levels–is abundant in beer. Beer drinkers show healthier homocysteine blood levels than wine or liquor drinkers.

4.) Moderate beer drinking has a stress-reducing effect (whereas almost everyone can envision the stress-inducing effects of heavy beer drinking–*heh*).

5. A glass of beer is a great soporific. 🙂 Beer is not the perfect sleep aid, but is beneficial to some. In moderation.

6.) Beer helps promote blood vessel dilation (many side benefits–especially for us old guys) and urination.

7.) A main ingredient in beer is a prostate cancer antagonist (!). (So, between hops’ xanthohumol and beer’s famous ability to promote urination, a wonderful benefit to guys as we age ;-)).

8.) A Finnish study indicates that beer seems to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.

9.) Those clever Japanese have discovered that beta-pseudouridine found in beer actually helps reduce chromosonal damage from radiation exposure! (Maybe I can dispense with my lead cup and tinfoil hat, ya think? :-))

10.) Beer contains anti-inflammatory agents (from the hops). Nice for my joints–and maybe yours, too, eh?

The alcohol in beer–generally less than in many other alcoholic beverages–is also beneficial in several ways, including

11.) Lowering HDL levels

12.) In mice at least, alcohol spurs the growth of new brain cells. (I’m not a mouse, but the research indicates that moderate beer drinking may actually help me as much as coffee does! :-))

13.) Moderates insulin levels.

There are more, of course, but it seems the folk wisdom of yore reflected in the Jefferson quote above has much more basis in fact than 99% of Mass Media Podpeople or politicians’ *spit* statements.

23 Replies to “Health Benefits of Beer”

    1. *heh*

      BTW, I’ve used leftovers after first/second fermentation to–accidentally, at first, though now I have some “mother”–make some malt vinegar. Yummy. A couple of tablespoons (of table-concentrate levels) of acetic acid–almost any kind–in a glass of water before a meal moderates post prandial blood sugar levels. Seriously.

    1. Yeh, I avoid the hard stuff, because

      a. I got drunk once and didn’t enjoy it (and getting drunk is far, far too easy with distilled spirits), and
      b. the health benefits of distilled alcoholic beverages are almost non-existent, compared to its less salubrious effects.

      That said, tee-totalers who describe the health benefits of beer as “dodgy” (like the subliterate moron who also commented on this post) are just pathetic boobs.

    1. “Dodgy [dishonest, unreliable] benefits”? Sounds like an illiterate, uninformed assertion by someone who finds doing a simple search on the bolded terms, as I suggested, to be far, far too hard. Since you refuse to do the assigned homework, I have no respect for your comment.

      And “avoided altogether” sounds like you’re probably just some weak-willed 12-stepper who can’t hold your liquor and can’t keep from getting drunk instead of simply partaking the one or two beers/day that afford these proven health benefits. If so, you have my pity, though still not my respect.

      Oh, and in addition to your illiterate use of “dodgy,” your illiterate use of “it’s” for “its” suggests you should enroll in a remedial English course before embarrassing yourself here again.

  1. Not all beer drinkers stop after one glass, they are the people who become drunken and disorientated and the persons who are the main cause of murderous assaults and road fatalities
    And also David your type of American bastard language would fail you at any genuine English Uni.
    Please explain why you are always overbearing and rude to people who you believe have lesser academic attributes.
    Have a nice day

    1. “Not all beer drinkers stop after one glass, [sic] they are the people who become drunken and disorientated [sic] and the persons who are the main cause of murderous assaults and road fatalities [sic]”

      Nice(ly stupid) attempt to cover stupidity with the passive voice. You make the profoundly stupid mistake of blaming the beverage for the behavior of the drinker. Personal liberty; personal responsibility. Anyone–ANYONE–who gets drunk, gets behind the wheel of a car and kills someone as a result should first forfeit EVERY material possession he owns to the surviving family of the person he killed and then have his vehicle (or its remains) repeatedly dropped on him until HIS remains are nothing but road paste to be washed off with a hose.

      Personal liberty; personal responsibility. Never conflate the choices of the drunk with the drink. You attribute too much power to drink. Doing so reveals you have no moral sense whatsoever, and so your comments on the matter are utterly, completely and absolutely worthless.

      You would make as much sense blaming the car or the road. Beside lacking the moral sense to place responsibility where it rightly belongs, you are also too stupid to even realize it.

      “And also David your type of American bastard language would fail you at any genuine English Uni. [sic]”

      Like I GARA about any “English Uni [sic]”. English universities have become the laughingstock of the developed world, worse even than American universities. And you, asshat, are no example of literacy in English. You would not even be intellectually fit to be a shoeshine boy at an elementary school fundraiser.

      “Please explain why you are always overbearing and rude to people who you believe have lesser academic attributes.”

      I don’t have to, because I am not. I am only rude to rude, illiterate assholes like you who pretend to moral or intellectual superiority, when the only things they are superior to are–perhaps–amoebas.

      “Have a nice day”

      And you have the day you deserve: hellish and brutal.

  2. Thank you David for your rude email. I dare you print my reply. it would seem you live in a small world not unlike a goldfish in a glass bowl. A course on how to be nice to people may be of great benefit to you. Have a pleasant day.

    BTW. You are now on the ISIS infidel hit list for promoting consumption of alcohol.

    1. 1. It wasn’t an email, you stupid asshat.
      2. Thanks so very much for confirming your illiteracy and assholery with the error-laden comments.
      3. Keep it up. I enjoy seeing asshats confirm their illiterate stupidity.
      4. I wish you the life you so richly deserve: nasty, brutish and short.

    2. “Thank you David for your rude email. I dare you [sic] print my reply. it [sic] would seem you live in a small world not unlike a goldfish in a glass bowl. A course on how to be nice to people may be of great benefit to you. Have a pleasant day.”

      I am never nice to asshats and fools. It just doesn’t pay any dividends. Note that you are not banned and that all your comments post. I am always happy to let asshats indict and convict themselves. Nice job, asshat.

      “BTW. You are now on the ISIS infidel hit list for promoting consumption of alcohol.”

      Oh, *yawn*. Compounding your asinine illiteracy with stupid, empty threats. As that great American philosopher, Bugs Bunny (probably too serious a thinker for someone as stupid as you, but maybe you can find someone with an intellect higher than your own–say that of a Zabrskan Fontema–to explain it to you) once said,

      “What a maroon; what an ignoranimous!”

  3. David,.I’VE ? Try the English version I Have. I’VE being one of your lackadaisical Americanisms.
    BTW, if you live in SanFran I know a guy there who works at a mortuary; he has similar traits as yours you may wish to meet him being he is a complete idiot.

    1. “David,.I’VE [sic x 3!] ?[sic] Try the English version [sic] I Have [sic]. I’VE [sic] being one of your lackadaisical Americanisms.
      ‘BTW, if you live in SanFran [sic] I know a guy there who works at a mortuary; he has similar traits as yours [sic] you may wish to meet him being [sic] he is a complete idiot.”

      You really are an illiterate boob, aren’t you? Seek immediate enrollment in a remedial English class. I know, I know, they’d refuse you entrance, but at least try.

  4. David I wish to pay you a compliment. You must understand that it was not of your choice you came into our world and to interact with normally adjusted persons. it would seem you slipped through the cordon of general decency and other desirable human habits, eventually your ravings and nonsensical gesticulations have turned you into an outcast, people are sick of your bogus unwarranted superiority claims.
    .Granted you may have a more knowledgeable grasp of the written word, well bully for you and that is exactly what you are a word Bully other than that you are a miserable little tyke living a grubby little life promoting the use of habit forming substances and deriding all others who fail to equal your disgusting qualities. I recently came across a film which could possibly give you some egoistic pleasure by raving enthusiastically with the persons portrayed therein Q; Are you a relative of a certain Mr Schickelgruber? Fini. Have a thoughtful day and get well soon. BTW I apologize for my illiteracy.

    1. “David I wish to pay you a compliment.” Liar. I didn’t even need to read the rest of your comment to know this was a lie, but as sure as the sunrise, I was correct in my initial appraisal of this lie.

      Oh, what delusions you embrace! You seem to think you are a “normally adjusted person”! Poor, pathetic worm!

      Keep up the trolling. I enjoy feeding baby trolls like you. You are so amusing and fun to mock.

      So, I have “slipped through the cordon of general decency and other desirable human habits,” while you, who stupidly, pugnaciously, and wrongly referred to the “dodgy benefits” of moderate beer consumption were being completely and totally “decent” in your behavior. Delusional. When I very naturally called you on it, you implied a stupid (and unenforceable) threat upon my life. Now, that’s true decency for you! You are not only a stupid illiterate troll, you are completely, totally and absolutely hypocritical.

      Stupidly, you blame an inanimate substance for behaviors and consequences of human free will.

      Even more stupidly, you claim a moral high ground in doing so.

      Compounding your stupidity, you utter an elliptical threat upon my life.

      And raising stupidity to new heights by another order of magnitude, you then

      a. imply that you have some sense of decency and
      b. ring in your mommy to defend you.

      Cowardly and stupid. Multiply that by your refusal to enroll in a remedial English class to ameliorate your illiteracy, and it is clear that you have exercised your own free will to deliberately remain stupid.

      And, BTW, you STILL have not performed a search on the bolded terms in the text, have you? Of course not. That would be an honest, ethical, and indeed moral thing to do before proclaiming the benefits listed as “dodgy,” and we know by now that you possess none of those requisite characteristics for basic human decency. Besides, you’re obviously, from the evidence of your own text, just too stupid and lazy to actually do your own homework before making a stupid remark.

      Addendum: While I’ve left alone all the stupid, illiterate text in your current comments, less than worthy of a seven year old elementary student, this is just priceless:

      “BTW I apologize for my illiteracy.”

      Liar. Any sincere apology would seek to amend the fault. You have demonstrated no connection with truth or sincerity.

      “Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries. Now, go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.” Or third, or fourth, or. . . However many times it amuses me to do so, in fact.

      BTW, I just love your domain. It’s as empty as you have demonstrated your intellect, your ethics and your morals to be.

    1. Dear “Rosemary” (if indeed you are real), my own response with what you laughingly call “filthy expletives” began in response to the stupid and reprehensible asshattery “les” (and, indeed, he seems determined to prove he is less than human) as he uttered the completely filthy, stupid, morally reprehensible, “BTW. You are now on the ISIS infidel hit list for promoting consumption of alcohol.” Any moral cretin who engages in such utterly and genuinely filthy and stupid comments deserves flogging, tarring and feathering, but since that’s not available via comments, the stupid, filthy, morally reprehensible and illiterate “les” can only be served verbally as he (if it is indeed a “he” and not simply a generic asexual troll) has earned. Respect is earned, and what he has earned is the most profound and vulgar disrespect. He and his comments are utterly without merit, as he proves once again by embracing the Hitler Fallacy.

      Given the clear evidence of his own words, “he” (if such a thing can indeed have a sex) is less than a swine, a vulgar little maggot, a pustule on the buttocks of a minor imp of Satan, a pathetic, worthless bag of filth. And you, in defending his worthless, despicable spews demonstrate that you are worthy of his company.

    1. Poor, dear, pathetic “rosemary,” if you can find a mirror your face hasn’t broken, take a look instead of just projecting your childish petulance.

  5. I am sorry David but I am not in the habit of taking advice from complete idiots as yourself. go – boil your stupid head.

    1. Liar. You are not “sorry” and should be ashamed of yourself both for lying about it and for not taking good advice from someone who is not as morally reprehensible, illiterate, and lazy as yourself, “rosemary”.

    1. Exactly. “les” had no argument to begin with so he STARTED with abuse. Pointing out his stupidity is now considered abuse by morons like you, of course, because you have no argument either.

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