Only a P-Sych-Ologist Would Be Capable of Out-Crazying Stacy McCain

But p-sychs try, day in and day out to be crazier than any sane person can imagine. . . and all too often succeed (witness the DSM in all its deteriorata). Stacy McCain’s latest diatribe against the stupidities of contemporary feminism includes this brilliant observation:

While I will stop short of saying that the entire field of psychology is an outright scam, it is not always easy to tell the difference between psychology and a three-card monte hustle. Perhaps a couple of weeks of therapeutic sessions could help me overcome my resentment of pretentious snobs and Ivy League assholes, except that my resentment of them is entirely rational. These snobs and assholes are determined to destroy everything good and decent in American life, and every honest and intelligent citizen ought to be fighting to stop them, while there is still anything in this country worth fighting to save.

Amen. Preach on, brother.

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