Monsieur Who?

I am not easily irked (*gales of hilarious laughter from friends and family*), but my gizzard’s a bit chapped by all the self-appointed pundits who’ve recently discovered Alexis (Charles-Henri Clérel) de Toqueville’s “Democracy in America” and cite quotations from it attributing them merely to “Toqueville”.


My French profs would be peeved. M. de Toqueville, were he alive today, might also be a bit put out. (Note the proper form above. *heh*) Oh, well. The talking heads and self-appointed pundits may well have the right of it in these days of seriously degraded language. . . I’m sure their usage is Just Fine with all the folks who just DGARA about such things (meaning, of course, the entire Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, their remoras in the Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries and the rest of the promoters of the lowest common denominator).

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