Friday Night Movies: No and Yes

Wht can I say? Amazon Prime Instant Video. Browser loaded on Windows Media Center computer. Two movies. One released last year, the other in 2010.

Last year’s Hollyweird attempt to make a Stephanie Plum movie, “One for the Money,” from the Janet Evanovich book of the same name, was. . . not good. The scriptwriters, producers and director worked very hard to get just about everything wrong. The book was (sometimes annoyingly) charming and enjoyable fluff with bits of spiciness strewn throughout. The movie was just mostly annoying and a bit dull. *sigh* Debbie Reynolds cast as Grandma Mazur is a prime example of the kinds of poor choices made in producing the thing.

So, both thumbs down.

Then, the 2010 French film (yeh, yeh, subtitled for those who really need it–and I did myself when the sound was really bad), “La fée” (The Fairy). It was surprisingly good. Actually, it was pretty darned wonderful. Exceedingly strange, but still very, very entertaining. The sparse dialog and spare acting from the leads was very effective given the plot. The dance sequences? Just about perfect for the absurd story. The rooftop choreography? Sooo good. Loved it. Three thumbs up. And SPOILER: The escape from the mental hospital alone was worth the 1.5 hours invested in watching the thing. Extremely strange film, but strange in many “good strange” ways.

[N.B. My Wonder Woman didn’t find the brilliant absurdity of “La fée” quite as charming and engaging as I did, but then I’m just a wee tad absurd myself from time to time. ;-)]

One loser, one winner, and we didn’t have to go to some stinking movie theater and waste a pot load of cash to go through 2 movies to find one really good one. Like.

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