Dog Bites Man… Again


Q: Who’s surprised by this?

NPR’s report purportedly raised “questions” over ALEC’s tax status and quoted extensively from Common Cause. What listeners didn’t learn, however, was that NPR’s reporter, Peter Overby formerly worked for Common Cause.

A: Lobotomized Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind Koolaid drinkers living in an echo chamber.

The chances of throwing a rock into a group of NPR “reporters” and hitting something not joined at the hip with the Dhimmicrappic National Committee or some other closely-aligned Conspiracy of Dunces, Morons, Cretins and Traitors* is very nearly zero, so this sort of “revelation”… isn’t. A revelation that is. It’s a “So? What else is new? The Sun appears to rise in the East and set in the West? Wow. *yawn* News” sort of “revelation”.

Color me unsurprised, but then I’ve not been living in an echo chamber under a rock somewhere poisoning myself with Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind Koolaid.

*”Conspiracy of Dunces, Morons, Cretins and Traitors”? OK, you caught me. I left out, “Evil Racists and Hatemongers Masquerading as People Who Actually Give a Rat’s Ass”.

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