Is M$ Trying to Kill Its Desktop Market?

OK, so my experience with the Windows 8 Beta last Fall wasn’t all that positive. Heck, I was offended by the crappy Metro interface and disgusted by the steps backward into less usability in the “Desktop” interface. But, glutton for punishment that I am, I downloaded and installed a copy of the Windows 8 “Consumer Preview” (just another beta).

*ack!* The Metro interface is still just as annoying in a desktop/notebook environment and the “Desktop” interface? Worse. Less usable than the Developer Preview last Fall! Heck, I couldn’t even (as easily) get the hack to turn the Metro piece of crap off to work in this version… Not that it makes such a difference since the “Desktop” interface is less capable and user-friendly than the Win7 GUI. Heck, it’s even worse than the recent Ubuntu Unity GUI, and that takes some real effort to accomplish, as at least that GUI is usable!

Is M$ trying to lose the desktop and notebook market?

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