4 Replies to “Broken Prognostications”

    1. Well, as long as “scientists” can ignore data that exists and fake other data, along with simply ignoring the fact that they don’t even have enough data (even with the faked stuff) to make climate predictions, sure, Perri. *sigh*

      “Lies, damned lies and statistics.”

      Every single time I see a “global annual temperature” expressed in tenths of a degree, I know whoever’s doing so is either a liar or a fool, because the original data–such as it is–does not allow that degree of precision. Only people with absolutely no understanding whatsoever of statistics (or who understand but are attempting to deceive) could make such pronouncements. Heck, my last calculus and stats classes were over 40 years ago, and I’ve not actively used the knowledge gained there much since then, but even I can tell such expressions are lies. But in our increasingly illiterate and innumerate society, such lies go almost unnoticed and unmentioned.

      Heck, Mann’s “hockey stick” temperature graph has been conclusively proven to be a fraud, and yet it’s still cited from time to time by the IPCC and others. The only reasons have to be either stupidity or deliberate deception.

    1. Well, WIll, I vote for both. Deliberate deception by those who are not deaf, dumb (in both senses) and blind and stupidity by both of the remaining “scientists” who keep using faked data to predict events and conditions that even the faked data is not useful for.

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