OK, I Barely Felt That One

Sitting here at ~9:45 p.m. or so this evening, just goofing off on my lil Asus P50IJ while my Wonder Woman watched some Hulu something-or-other, I felt a shaking back and forth, in a roughly east-west direction. Turned to her and asked, “Did you feel that?” Nah, of course not. She was watching a show–focused, you know. ๐Ÿ™‚

Yeh, 4.7; another OK quake.

It wasn’t anything much here in America’s Third World County. After all, the location noted by the USGS was Prague, OK, some 200 miles away, and it was a magnitude smaller than the one Saturday a.m.. I’ve felt more from a bad taco and more from C-130s doing touch-and-gos not far from our house early in our marriage. LOTS more when artillery barrages were going off. *heh* Was fun living in an Army town.

Still, my first earthquake awake and aware of the event. Had to wait better than six decades for it. Kind of a letdown.


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