
Well, the (only) four habanero plants I put out this year are getting some great growth (all this rain, I suppose) but not yet flowering. OTOH, one (of the 28 *heh*) jalapeño plants has not only flowered but is bringing on peppers, already. Hot-cha-cha! (You really have to envision Jimmy Durante’s slightly different utterance for that to work properly. 🙂 OK, here…)

The tomato plants are just getting huge; no flowering or fruiting yet. But growing like gangbusters.

And my amaranth, sown from seed–the same seed I cook up for a “cereal”? REALLY growing, fast! Like it! We’ll just have to see how that stuff produces. I’ll likely have to thin the plants out quite a bit, but that just means greens and shoots (and stems to use sorta like rhubarb).

Not much of a garden, but it has things that please us. Oh, and mixed in are marigolds (also a lovely plant) and my Wonder Woman’s impatiens (and the morning glory she loves that I’m letting come back a little). Gone is almost all the mint and finally nearly all the Virginia Creeper. Sadly, our dandelion crop has been sparse this year. I don’t know why. Plenty of wild onion, though. Yum.

Now, how to make best use of all the “yard vine” in the back yard… hmmm… it’s said to make a nice topical analgesic, so…

2 Replies to “Hot-Cha-Cha!”

    1. Sad, Mel. Hot peppers are one of life’s great pleasures. 😉

      Edit: On that note, tonight’s supper was built around jalapeño burgers. Yum. 🙂

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