I have to figure out how this thing works!

It’s probably just early oldtimers’ disease… These kindsa posts will just have to stand in, for a while, for better organization.

I thought it’d be a service to include a few acronyms, abbreviations, etc., somewhere, so I’ll start this post off and edit it from time to time, linking to it when I use an acronym that might be less than widely used.

A couple to start, then I’ll just come back whenever it suits, until I discover a better way to do it within the parameters of this free blog format.

MMP: Mass Media Podpeople/Podperson
MMPA: Mass Media Podpeople’s Army
RCOB: Red Curtain of Blood (that falls over my eyes when a berserker rage threatens to overwhelm–thanks to Kim duToit for the acronym)
GWT y PP: Grimma Wormtongue and the Prancing Pony, AKA, the Kedwards Kids, AKA Jean Fraud sKerry and the Ambulance Chaser

Re-“published” from 10/12

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