Bin Laden, etc., *yawn*

Haven’t listened to The Zero’s speech, but did read a transcript, and it pretty much followed the pattern I predicted last night:

Modest prediction: tomorrow, I’ll say at some point, “Oh, dear me. Did I ‘miss’ The Zero preening and essentially claiming, ‘Mission Accomplished’ (yet another lie as really he has yet to complete his self-assigned mission of the complete and total destruction of the United States… )?”

So, what was the format? Three paragraphs of 9/11 scene-setting oratory, one paragraph of thinly-disguised “blame Bush,” and then three paragraphs of “I, I, I, me, me, me” preening. One brief paragraph faintly praising the guys whose paychecks he wanted to cut off if there’d been a budget shutdown and a reprise of the first three paragraphs.

And the evidence is buried at sea, “…at my directive…” (The Zero)

Yep, pretty much what I expected, and instead of losing almost ten minutes of my life listening to one if the most boring public speakers in the world drone on, I spent two minutes reading the thing.

But really, *yawn* Bin Laden’s confirmed dead, so? The rest of the Saudis are still wasting oxygen. I’d be willing to give The Zero some credit (from zero up to a score of maybe 20 on a 100 point scale) if he were to do what Bush refused to do: recognize that the Saudis have been the primary funder of worldwide jihadist terrorists and authorize their complete extirpation.

Oh, and just take their oil. Reparations, you know.

2 Replies to “Bin Laden, etc., *yawn*”

  1. Yeh, TF, I would have preferred those who falsely accused GWB of going into Iraq to steal their oil to have been at least close to the mark. Had the U.S. gone in, deposed Saddam, made a deal with the Iraqi Army to keep the peace in general, then secured the oil fields and pipelines, then we could have bought oil for $20/barrel and benefited both Iraq and the U.S. Instead, Bremmer screwed everything up so badly, nothing like that could be put in place absent a NEW “Iraq War”. *sigh*

    Further thought re: OBL “sleeping with the fishes… ”

    Would rather a “monument” to Islam had been constructed of OBL’s corpse hung on public display as poison for carrion feeders, but we can’t all get what we want, now can we? 😉 Heck, PETA would’ve had a fit seeing his corpse poison crows and vultures and suchlike…

    The more I think on it, in bits and pieces occasionally throughout the day, the more I find in favor of the “display OBL’s rotting corpse, sewn in pigskin, hanging from a gibbet” scenario. At the very least, it would tend to inflame the nutjobs and make them easier targets. OTOH, who’s to say that the U.S. leadership has the stones to order mass killings of Muslim nutjobs?

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