If You Prefer Your Coffee With Cream…

…you must be a racist, if one were to judge by the standards of The Zero’s allies and other assorted leftards. Why, oh why, can you not appreciate BLACK coffee?

[This micro-mini-rant brought about by a dumbass commenter in another forum who accused me of being racist–and of being excessively “white” and a “hater” whatever that means–for my lack of appreciation for the finer points of The Zero’s policies. I predicted this sort of thing when The Zero first announced his presidential candidacy, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy having been prophetic.]

4 Replies to “If You Prefer Your Coffee With Cream…”

  1. I love how you just cut to the chase! What a leftard itiot. I hate BLACK coffee. As far as I am concerned they can think I am a racist, but I will remind them that reverse racism is far worse. Actually David, I love “Boston Coffee.” Hmmmmmmm, that must make me a “White Supremist” because Boston coffee is even more “WHITE!” *HEH*

    Have a great day my friend! Hope the wifey is doing well too! 🙂

    1. Well, I am a “racist” of sorts. Almost all of my friends are… humans. (I do include the occasional dog or cat as “friends”. *heh*)

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