Historical Literacy Should Be a Prerequisite for Voting

Orson Scott Card, as he so often does, says it better than I can:

In America we’re all voters — but nobody checks to make sure we have any sense at all about how we vote. I urge every American to regard history as the first and most important study of our lives — the minimum requirement to be a good citizen.

And instead of relying on our castrated and/or politicized textbooks (by Left and Right), which grossly under- and mis-educate our young, we should be reading independent histories every chance we get.

As I have often said–heck, it was long in my blog header–

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

8 Replies to “Historical Literacy Should Be a Prerequisite for Voting”

  1. Seriously, though! Wouldn’t it be great if you had to show a passing grade transcript on required history classes before being given a voter registration card? I would be happy to take the required classes even if I didn’t need them.

  2. Seems your “reply to this comment” isn’t working correctly, since I replied to Perri’s comment and it showed up at the bottom of the list.

  3. Yeh, Mel, it’s not working properly and… I’m just too tired to mess with it. I do’t usually even see comments on the post pages since I “reply to comment” in my dashboard, so I’d not even noticed. Bad, bad blog owner. *heh*

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