
We had some (school) snow days the second week of January, but otherwise, no real precip this month until early this a.m.

Yep. My Wonder Woman has another snow day, and from the look of things it might just work into a 4 day weekend. No one’s driven our street yet (we’ve both had things to do inside this a.m., until now), but we’re out the door soon to run some errands since it’s not all that bad here in town.

Update: Yep. It’s gonna be a 4-day weekend for my Wonder Woman.

4 Replies to “Snow!”

  1. Enjoy!

    Our snow was inconsiderate enough to dump between evening and morning rush hours so I got two short days but not a whole day off. Ah, well, there’s always the dumping we are supposed to get again on Sunday… πŸ™‚

    1. Looks like more snow days for my Wonder Woman coming up next week as well. *heh* I had to deal with a client strictly over the phone today, since they couldn’t even get OUT of their place with their 4X4, and their dialup connection (the ONLY connectivity option available to them in their third world county location) is far, far too slow for a remote computing connection that would have allowed me to help ’em that way. As for me trying to get IN to their place–nuh-uh, no way. I can navigate it when it’s not snowed in–even when it’s rainy and slick, but there’s a reason they only own 4 wheel drive vehicles. Heck, they were amazed that I have been able in the past to get to them at all with my lil FWD Saturn or that I was even able to find them. *heh* They really are kinda off the beaten path.

  2. Schucks! The snow just missed us. I live for the winter. I should move to Alaska, been wanting to since I was a little girl. Juno would be awesome! Sigh….can’t blame a girl for dreamin! πŸ™‚

    Hope you and Wonder Woman have a lovely day and evening!

    me πŸ™‚

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