Speaking of Music…

Here’s an example of classical (small “c”) genre (not Classical Period) music that I looked up after again hearing a portion of Al Hirt’s (not bad, just not as good as this) interpretation while looking for something worth watching on TV Tuesday night. I didn’t find anything worth my time on TV, but I did stop on the Syfy (stupid name) channel briefly, just long enough to listen to Hirt play the theme for the old Green Hornet TV show. This, as I said, is better. Under 2 minutes. Have a listen.

4 Replies to “Speaking of Music…”

    1. Fits, I am continually amazed at the near perfection Wynton Marsallis brings to his artistry. He’s a good example of that best of both worlds the professional “amateur”. “Amateur” because he obviously makes music for the love of it. Of course, he’s also the consummate professional in the old saw’s sense, “An amateur is someone who practices until he gets it right; a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong.” But beyond that, he has both a genuine connection to the music he makes and has done what so very, very few contemporary manufactured “artists” ever even know is possible: he has built the chops to MAKE MUSIC when he performs through years of hard, hard work on making his artistic efforts as truly filled with real music as humanly possible. Combine these with what is a formidable talent, and we have the music he fills every performance with.

      What’s even better is that he doesn’t rest on his laurels. He seems better every time I hear something new from him.

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