Freudian Lingerie?

From Language Log:

Rep. Steve King:

“As I deliberate and I listen to the gentleman from Tennessee, I have to make the point that when you challenge the mendacity of the leader or another member, there is an opportunity to rise to a point of order, there is an opportunity to make a motion to take the gentleman’s words down, however many of the members are off on other endeavors and I would make the point that- that the leader and the speaker have established their integrity and their mendacity for years in this Congress and I don’t believe it can be effectively challenged and those who do so actually cast aspersions on themselves for making wild accu- accusations.” [emphasis added]

And if you doubt that the “maroon” quoted above actually asserted–vigorously asserted, I say!–that his colleagues lack integrity, then listen as he speaks:


Of course, this is simply a case of a puffed up politician using words he thinks sound high-falutin’… that he knows not the meaning of.

Common synonyms of “mendacity”: fabrication, falsehood, lie, untruth, whopper.*

But one hears (and sees in print) this sort of thing all the time: people who really are NOT literate–or at least not as literate as they think or want others to think them–speaking “above their own heads” as it were in an attempt to puff up the seeming importance of their utterances.

Just another politician *gag-spit* Nothing new. Move along, now.

9 Replies to “Freudian Lingerie?”

    1. Well, Nicole, I posted something ridiculing the Über-Dhimmicrap (The Zero), so ridiculing a politician *gag-spit* of the Repugnican’t stripe was in order. Fair and balanced, you know. 😉

  1. I’ve met the man. He’s one of the reasons I left Iowa, where most of his constituents believe him to be the second coming of that Shake-Spear guy. You know; the one who talked real good.

    1. Fits, anyone who thinks Congresscritter Steve king is an example of erudition is a victim of their own subliterate, self-enstupiated, Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind KoolAid-poisoned delusions. Kinda like those who, similarly, seem to actually think that The Zero is an eloquent public speaker. Shiite (my “polite” version of “shit”), I’ve heard illiterate backwoods redneck preacher-boys who have more eloquence in their unlettered, piney-woods perorations at the end of long-winded (but well-delivered, as opposed to The Zero’s halting, sloppy speech) perambulations through the whole of their painstakingly-gathered paucity of knowledge than The Zero has in “the greatest hits” that could be gleaned from the entire corpus of his public speaking.

      King’s faux-literacy should be an embarrassment to him and everyone he associates with, but he and his class are so arrogantly illiterate as to simply not even be able to recognize his auto-lobotomized asshattery.

  2. Well, he Is a politician. You’d never expect such a one to understand the difference between mendacity and veracity.

    I wonder how many of his colleagues do? Or if they were laughing into their sleeves?

    1. Perri, to politicians *gag-spit* veracity and mendacity are one and the same, I think, so far are they removed from reality. (I recall voicing something similar to Tom Eagleton once, when he attempted to school me on “political reality”–which I then noted to him was separated from real reality by a vast chasm… *feh*)

  3. He’s also in love with “problematic”. Nose to nose I asked when he was going to fix the concealed carry nonsense that allows local sheriffs in Iowa to erect fiefdoms as they dole out licenses to only those who support them politically. “Well, that’s problematic, yes indeed very problematic. Not saying that taking away their power is doubtful, but very problematic.” The crowd separated us before I could fix that kink in his lapel.

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