Submitted for Your Approval

The president has a “theme song”–“Hail to the Chief” (ironically appropriate for our Kenyan (?) ‘p-resident’)–but what to play when The Zero, Nazi Pelosi and Not-So-Hairy Reid appear together? Allow me to suggest,


But enough of this serious commentary. I now return twc to our irregularly unscheduled curmudgeonry.

3 Replies to “Submitted for Your Approval”

  1. Heh. I can’t think of “Hail to the Chief” without remembering the scene in the movie “My Fellow Americans” where James Garner had made up words to “Hail to the Chief.”

    Hail to the Chief
    He’s the Chief and he needs hailing…

    1. *heh* Indeed. (Around here, I frequently hear “hail” when someone means to refer to “hell” so those lyrics, sung in America’s Third World County might well be appropriate for The Zero, eh?)

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