Cognitive Dissonance

I’m baffled by self-described libertarians who defend the idea of a “culture center” celebrating jihad’s most visible victory being installed a few hundred feet from round Zero in NYC. The “Cordoba House” (and doesn’t the very name say it all?) would be a celebration of everything libertarian thought supposedly despises: a hate cult that has for a millennium and a half expanded by means of violent imposition of its philosophy, offering only death, slavery, rape and pillage to those who refuse to submit to its hate cult.

But then, in my experience of the breed, most self-described libertarians are just wimpy crybabies anyway, concerned only when they see such tyranny attempt to impose itself on them. Watching a hate cult begin its campaign to impose itself on others is just fine and dandy by them. Every tyrannical cult in history has depended on people who say, “I am not my brother’s keeper.”

3 Replies to “Cognitive Dissonance”

  1. James Burnham has famously said, “Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.”

    One might also say much the same for sissy-pants, so-called “libertarians” who only dare to confront tyrannical ideologies when it’s politically correct to do so.

  2. You think YOU’RE baffled?? My ancestors are from that region, and several fought the muslim hoardes. And to have so-called libertarians defend this monument to their greatest victory turns my stomach.

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