Unsolicited, Unpaid Endorsement

As regular readers may recall, back in March I injured my right knee’s ACL. It’s been a decent recovery so far, but I’ve continued to use a cane, in addition to two elastic bandages and one knee brace, to support myself when walking.

And it is support, not merely for stability and balance which is why I’ve been using the cane on my right side: to take weight off the knee when walking, in order to abate the pain, and use fewer pain meds.

But today, I bought a pair of these:

and for the first time in months I could walk without a cane, without pain. Yes, walk. Without pain. Full weight on the leg. Immediately. I simply set the cane aside and walked to give it a try (well, “set the cane aside”=”held the cane just in case” but there was an immediate difference). And yes, I had tried doing w/o the cane’s support earlier, and it was like stabbing my knee with an ice pick.

Of course, I’m still wearing the elastic supports and knee brace for stability (balance is fine, TYVM), but walking. Without pain.


I like these Skechers Shape Ups. Lots! Time will tell if the claims made by the manufacturer pan out for me, but the simple fact that I can walk, without the cane supporting a large part of my weight, without pain is a BIG DEAL to me.

Good Stuff, Maynard.

6 Replies to “Unsolicited, Unpaid Endorsement”

  1. Interesting timing for your post. I’ve got what they call a Baker’s Cyst in my right knee; been giving me fits both with pain and limited mobility. I have a month before a decision is made to go in and drain it or see if nature will do it for me.

    I’m doing what I can; but your idea of changing shoes is yet another idea. I have a great cane my grandfather left me, illegal sword cane; but it fits my hand perfectly and has a good weight with a solid brass cobra head. I used it to support me at church the day I taught a lesson and it doubled as we were talking about the children of Israel having to only look at the serpent to be healed; clever use of props….

    1. I also have a “Grandfather’s Cane”–used by my grandfather in his later years. His father used it in his eighties as well, so I guess it’s really a “Great Grandfather’s Cane” eh?

      The shoes are still doing the job for me. Amazing, really. Of course, I’m still wearing the elastic supports and knee brace (complete with lightweight steel hinges) for knee stability, as my ACL continues to rehab/heal. And I carry the cane for any momentary instabilities, since the manufacturer of the shoes says,

      Shape-ups have an unstable center of balance compared to normal sport shoes. The body will instinctively try to find the center of balance by wearing these unstable Shape-ups.

      Now, I’ve not found the shoes to exhibit an “unstable center of balance compared to normal sport shoes,” but given that the shoes were designed with that as a feature, I continue to carry my cane just in case, anyway.

    1. They might, Mel, but do note the extra work they’re said to promote in foot, leg, back and abdomen muscles. I did have a few muscle groups complaining a wee tad last night after wearing them most of the day, but it was just as though my legs and feet had had a mild, very mild, workout.

  2. I had a great day locksmith wise so I went and bought a pair; glad they were on sale and they still are a bit pricey for a frugal person like me.
    They had then in extra wide too, not many other than New Balance do that. (10 1/2 Quad E). Hope they help, sure feel good, like I had pillows under my feet.

    1. I oughta get a commission. You’re the 5th person who’s told me they’ve bought or will buy after my “success story”. Hope they help. 😉

      (“Quad E”? Are your feet round?? *heh*)

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