Google… Stealth

This satellite photo from Google maps shows a stealth bomber. (I’ve circled the bomber in yellow.)

This actually began being circulated, as far as i can now tell, Monday last week, but I just saw it linked to by a correspondant over at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos manor in Perspective’s Current Mail.

BTW, in comments, Woody notes an “… index of interesting features found on the Google satelite map images…” and lists this URL:

I used a trial of Keyhole, the software Google Satellite/Maps is drawn from, for a while and was almost persuaded to buy it just for the cool factor. Check some of the indexed satellite maps out for some fun in all your copious spare time. When you’re not reading my blog, that is. heh

And DO be sure to visit Woody’s News & Views. Some good stuff going on there. The post yesterday on dolphins as toolusers is a pretty cool example.

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