Shameless plug…

…for the browser that provides “simply the best internet experience…”

CLICK on the Opera Browser button in my sidebar and take a look at Opera. It’s worth the look. Or check out PC World’s 100 Best Products of 2005 for a write up that’s better than my lil plaudits. Yeh, PC World also cites Mozilla’s Firebird, primarily for making a significant dent in Microsoft’s internet Exploder market dominance and the buzz fans created for alternative browsers. But check the article on Opera out. The link leading there reads, “Firefox too austere? Opera is an attractive, feature-rich alternative…. ” heh

Internet browser company Opera Software has added features for tighter security and the ability to surf the Web with voice commands in the latest version of its browser, Opera 8 for Windows and Linux, launched Tuesday.

Opera, in Oslo, sees the security issue as one it can leverage to carve into Microsoft’s dominance of the browser market with its Internet Explorer.

“We think that security is the reason why people would want to switch browsers,” says Opera spokesperson Eskil Sivertsen.

Internet Exploder is simply aweful. Firefox is OK, but still immature, clunky and feature-poor compared to Opera.

Give it a shot. If you already have a good java install, the download’s under 4MB. And that’s with many, many features bult in that require extra software downloads, installs and tweaks to get similar functionality in Firefox (if they are available at all).

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