Week Eaten By Locusts

Locusts die by thousands… *heh*

This hasn’t been an exactly toxic week, but it’s been… interesting. The proverbial one-armed paper hanger is a slacker. Heck, I’ve not even had time to find Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind “news” to mock. Did make time to wind down a bit with the season opener of Burn Notice last night (a little disappointing, but then maybe my week colored my viewpoint).

Off to the “races” again today. 7:30. Getting a slow start today.

Say “Hi” to life for me. I don’t have time for it right now. 🙂

2 Replies to “Week Eaten By Locusts”

  1. There was a motivational poster at one time, wish I had a better memory. It reminded everyone that each day the race begins, you don’t have to be the fastest (fill in the blank) or the slowest ( fill in the blank); but you do have to be running.

    As long as we get going each morning things work out as a rule.

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