Get in touch with your boomer memories

No, not “Boomer Sooner”—Baby Boomer

Over at Keep The Coffee Coming, Kat’s doing pop audioblogging that evokes a lot of Baby Boomer memories—even for folks like me whose most powerful musical memories are classical. Check it out. The Sounds of Silence, A World of Our Own and more.
Oh, and one more thing. Thanks, Kat, for the link to RadioWales (BBC)! Sure, the BBC is still stuck requiring folks to have a proprietary “Real Media” player, but don’t let that little piece of snottiness from the BBC prevent you from checking out this great site! If you like good folk, blues (and all kinds of derivatives), this site is worth hunting down, d/l-ing and installing a Real Player alternative. In fact, I’ll just give you a link to one that works, here. Transparent and (completely unlike Real Player) non-intrusive, non-invasive, Real Alternative is a decent software solution to Real Player’s stinkiness.

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