4 Replies to “A Fitting Metaphor for Our Society”

  1. Hm..

    That’s me, I think. I’d prefer the escalator to the stairs. But, unlike when I was a kid, I’ll stand on it and let it take me where I want to go. In those days, I would walk up the down escalator and down the up escalator.

    Of course my attitude toward it these days might help to explain the fact that in the last thirty years I’ve grown more outward than upward.

    Still, I’m pretty sure your metaphor is a bit more explanatory of things like how we arrived at having a Congress and a President that allow the bureaucrats to rule us – just so long as they get to stay in “power” and “transform” our nation.

    1. Indeed, Perri. A slacker generation, uninvolved in our government, detached from responsibility, unwilling to exercise intellectually, morally, spiritually.

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