You Have Absolutely NO Idea How Many Times I Wanted to Do Something Like This…

But almost exclusively with seventh grade students…

(Watch the video before reading past the jump.)

Of course, for a quick grab and bust, most times it’d have had to be a flute player or soprano, since most of my directorial gigs were band or choir, and while the soprano might well have deserved it, I never had a misbehaving flute player. Perhaps a clarinet player would’ve been about right, although I’d have been more tempted by a drummer or a trumpet player… Oh, yeh! A drummer wearing his drum.

“Andre, here’s your pass to the principal’s office. Don’t let the door hitcha where the Lord splitcha!”

5 Replies to “You Have Absolutely NO Idea How Many Times I Wanted to Do Something Like This…”

    1. Yep. A long, long time ago, but I can still remember how the music used to play (until the program was strangled by lame-assed educrats and the dumbass “teachers” they recruited to kill instrumental music dead, dead, dead… or at least transform it into something that no longer taught music but just loud, completely untuned noise. Seriously: “untuned” is generous. I knew sixth grade groups who could play in tune better than the current high school band there. Much better.) Oh, well. Moving right along…

  1. WE had two flute players. the one with the impeccable skills in playing but with the worse tonal quality was a sweet girl.

    the one with the tone that rang like a church bell on a cold winter night but couldn’t string three notes together the same way twice in a row was a notorious slut.

    1. ALL my flutists in every band I had were Good Girls, except for one. He was a Good Guy, though… (Lost him during football season, though; played center. Big guy, just loved playing flute. Either that or he loved being the only guy in the section… I’ve wondered every now and then if he ever kept it up. He was no James Galway, but was pretty good.)

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