Makes Me Smile

And not in the sour,  schadenfreude-laden manner D.C. politicians make me smile on the rare occasions when they do.


OK, so Sarah Palin’s not the deepest thinker on the block (and the shallow “tax freedom day” comment is telling–tax freedom day is far, far later in the year than represented), and her policy suggestions reflect that. Still,  as opposed to most other politicians, she does embody a wholesome approach to political decisions that’s sorely lacking in national politics.

Makes me smile.

And the fact that she makes leftard asshats froth at the mouth and act like rabid skunks says a lot in her favor.

9 Replies to “Makes Me Smile”

  1. Yes, that does say a lot in her favor. And you’re right about her not being the deepest thinker on the block, but I always loved the “Drill, baby, Drill” thing. 🙂

    1. Mel, Woody: I’d vote for her if Fred’s still not hot to run… I’d still prefer seeing her in the #2 slot for 2012, but I’m undecided who the #1 slot should be. As if my opinion truly made a difference. *heh*

  2. I would like to see her get some more experience under her belt, even as #2 (you never know what could happen) but I love her to pieces. Her apparent honesty and lack of guile are refreshing. And the smokin’ hot babeness defintely helps…

    Now… if Teh Fred chose her as a running mate, there is no question where my vote goes.

    After all, “your average Russian don’t take a dump without a plan, son.” That delivery so needs to be in the White House!

    1. Indeed, Angel, she does. Perhaps someone like her can rescue the Constitution from the dark alley politicians *spit* have dragged it into for some serious mugging…

    1. Wouldn’t it though? Why, if I were “Emperor for a Month” (a day is too short), The IRS would be extirpated and its various offices razed to the ground, sown with salt and then nuked. We’d immediately begin to “drill, baby, drill” and anyone who even had the remotest thought of going all “greenie” over the proclamation to build 500 pebble bed reactors would be poured into their foundations. We’d have a $10billion dollar prize for a one-year “moon colony” (payable after a continuous one-year and a day habitation of said colony) and prizes for proven production in new energy technology (space solar, beamed to collection stations? why not?). A LIVE “Catch and Release (200 miles into the interior of wherever their home country is)” program to deal with illegal aliens, henceforth termed “alien invaders,” paying $10,000 for each one caught live and turned over to the Army to “release” as stated. A “Lose Your Company to the Highest Bidder” prize for ANY company caught with as many as one alien invader working for that company… and private citizens whose hiring of illegals can be demonstrated to have been witting: lose your home and all assets, to be turned over to the bounty program. Snitches on private citizens and companies to receive the alien invader bounty for each alien invader caught as a result. And any politician found to have lied to get elected? Tarred, feathered, run out of town to the highest tree for hanging and then burning; all family assets seized and given over to be used to fund investigation of politicians who remain, because they all lied.

      Every Supreme Court (heck, every federal court) decision reviewed by a computer program designed to balance all rulings against the 18th-century language and reasoning of The Founders (with duly noted evolutions of word meaning as determined by the OED) and all rulings not consonant with the clear and unequivocal recorded reasoning of the Founders reversed.

      All federal government bureaucracies and their regulations reviewed with the same eye to the Founders’ intent, and any that don’t meet the enumerated powers provisions axed. Period. Appeals for unemployment or benefits from employees of unconstitutional agencies met with an offer of a job on a chain gang making little rocks out of big ones for room and board. For life, or until they could no longer perform their little rocks from big ones duties, which would amount to the same thing.

      All bills signed into law by The Usurper Voided.

      B. Hussein Obama-Soetoro sent home to Kenya in chains.

      That’d be enough diktats for the first day.

      The second day would start with an encouragement (no diktat) for all States to enact laws stating that anyone who kills someone while DUI (no matter what substance they are under the influence of) would forfeit ALL assets to the survivors and then have what remained of the car he was driving dropped on him until he was dead, dead, dead.

      Algore relocated to the Antarctic where he can test the efficacy of his hot air and hypocrisy to keep himself warm without a coat.

      And on we go…

      IF I were Emperor of the US for a Month…

      Like that’d happen even in my dreams. *heh*

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