About That “Democracy” Thing

50.6% gave House leaders a “mandate” to pull the trigger on the gun held to the head of the Republic. It remains to be seen if the Republic can dodge the bullet fired at so close a range…

As an article at American Thinker reminds us,

“Democracies, says Aristotle, tend to be pulled in one direction: toward a vilification of everything involving merit, hierarchy, inequality, proportion, and worth.”

Aristotle was, of course, simply echoing (hey! if Loony Left Moonbats, Mass MEdia Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and at least 50.6% of the House can defy logic, who am I to avoid that train?) my observation that,

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

But do go and read Aristotle’s Warning.

Found via a comment at Chaos Manor

5 Replies to “About That “Democracy” Thing”

  1. Having missed out on serious studies in my younger days, these wonderfully written studies now serve to shore up the opinions I’ve come to hold with observations from more enlightened scholars.

    Thanks for posting and especially for the link with The American Thinker article.

    1. Right, Nicole. Nothing but demagoguery and other flim-flam. Note this blog’s header quote once more… Memorize it and repeat it to the lame-assed idiots who still support The Ø!

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