A View from the (Coakley) Kitchen

From an Iowahawk screed on the Brown/Coakley race, via a tip from Woody:

In this morning when I get to the kitchen Senora Coakley is standing there with the Democratic advisor people. And they are all very angry. At me.

“Have I done something wrong Senora?” I say.

“Rosa! You have done everything wrong!” they are yelling. “There is no way we could lose the election. Everybody in the Massachusetts loves El Presidente and his health care! Everyone loves Senora Coakley and Tio Teddy! You are the reason, Rosa! You have lost this election just like you did with Senora Kennedy in Nueva York. Rosa, you are the cursed!”

And now I am getting very angry.

“No, Rosa is not the cursed,” I say. “But Rosa has a curse for you. Chinga su madre, puta loca.”

Just go read the whole hilarious thing.

And, thanks again, Woody, for the tip. This was great stuff.

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