Poor “Mother Earth” Just Can’t Catch a Break…

Treehuggers may doom the environment:

Will Vegetarian Humans One Day ‘Emit’ More Carbon Dioxide & Methane Than Cows?

In a suppositional 2060,

“…the relative significance of direct human flatulence to the total carbon dioxide and methane loads was shown to have increased dramatically by a massive human shift to a highly legume- and cabbage-dependent diet. More vegetarian farts, in other words.”

At least folks’d have the wherewithall to perform CPR w/o having to get up close and personal with a stranger’s lips… well, in one sense at least. (OK, I’m linking the video, but I’m not posting it here. *heh*)

This video, OTOH, just begs to be posted with this topic:

(Of course, this all presupposes that CO2 is “bad” for the environment. Plants don’t seem to think so, though, and even if it were to cause “global warming” it’d just extend growing seasons, etc. Methane? Yeh, well, we could bottle that… )

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