“Information is the second most deadly weapon known to man”

And that is the reason so many in Congress want to keep the electorate fat, dumb and thus happy. Of course, as so many are being required to tighten their belts because, of the stupid, venal and corrupt practices of our beloved congresscritters *spit*, “fat” and “happy” don’t seem to be long for the world with a growing number of citizens. “Dumb” is another problem. *sigh* Have to really work on that one with one-on-one and in mass education efforts to combat the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, the long-term results of “prisons for kids” (A.K.A. “public schools”), in the lies that “fat, dumb and happy” citizens wannabe self-enstupiated serfs have swallowed so eagerly for so long.

But congresscritters working like turks to erradicate “fat” and “happy” could very well–hopefully–lead to the Number One Deadly Weapon Known to Man being pulled on our beloved congresscritters: surprise. At the polls, of course. Let’s concentrate on keeping the nomenklatura in Congress “fat, dumb and happy”… until the hammer falls.

That doesn’t mean not raising a stink at their refusals to keep their oaths to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” and to ” …bear true faith and allegiance to the same”. No, but it’d be a Good Thing if organizing at the local level to get informed patriots (and efforts to fully inform folks about just how blatantly our congresscritters are, urm, “spitting” on the Constitution MUST be an integral part of organizing locally) to the polls next November caught them with their pants around their ankles, so they could get a return shafting (with a rusty hammer, as it were) for the shafting they’ve been given us as a nice lil surprise.

Surprise! Surprise!

2 Replies to ““Information is the second most deadly weapon known to man””

  1. …it’d be a Good Thing if organizing at the local level to get informed patriots (and efforts to fully inform folks about just how blatantly our congresscritters are, urm, “spitting” on the Constitution MUST be an integral part of organizing locally) to the polls next November caught them with their pants around their ankles…

    Now that’s an idea I can get behind!

    1. Well, of course you would, Perri! 🙂

      BTW, I’ve made some progress (without losing it all over again) once I installed M$Office to read and save a copy of your book. Some, but reading for “proofreading and editing” is a very different ball of wax to simply reading and digesting. Please be patient.

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