It’s the Little Things… Again

Little things, good:

Letting the second fermentation of the hard apple cider go an extra five days: good. Very good, as it turns out. Now for some bottle conditioning… Used some “unconditioned” raw product in some hot “mulled” (OK, microwaved) cider w/cinnamon. Nice. ‘Tis a small thing, but my own. 🙂 Nice lil kick, too. Only 8oz, so not too much on top of my “one or two beers/day” rule (that was one 16oz beer today).

Little things, bad:

Re-reading a book by a fav novelist and being gigged once again by his unusual vocabulary lapse in this book (very weirdly, strangely and uncharacteristically–wrongly–using “temporal” to stand in place of “sacred”–very, very strange vocab lapse in an author who’s usually very accurate in word usage.. Not just once, but three times, so far in this book. Petty of me, I know, but it almost ruins the story. Almost. [Edit: *argh!* I just ran across another weird word use, a malapropism that the author should KNOW is wrong, and if not the author, any number of proof readers or an editor: “Here, here” for “Hear, hear.” *sigh* Sure, on the vast subliterate web, “Here, here” out polls the correct “Hear, hear” but NO author with as firm a grounding in history and as large a vocabulary as this one should EVER make such an egregious error of usage.]

Little things, good:

Called up my ins agent today. I’d cleaned out my glove box and had “cleaned out” the current ins verification form I’m required to keep there (bad). Didn’t really want to call him and have him fax me another one. Faxes are just… so 20th century–and poor quality reproductions of documents at that. And his agency had never “been able” to scan (a much higher resolution image) and email me a copy before. Have a fax machine; I just hate the thing for faxing. But, surprise! surprise! I got him (not another agent working under him or a secretary or his office manager) on the first ring and… he’s muuuuch more tech savvy than the folks he has had working for him in the past. Simply made a pdf and emailed it to me. A Good Thing.

So, one bad little thing, two good little things today. Not bad.

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