4 Replies to “One of These Is Not Like The Other”

  1. Ah, now I understand the inspiration of the last post 🙂 It’s a horse’s front end in the top picture blowing steam in the cold, and a horse’s back end blowing smoke in the bottom picture.

    1. *heh* Perri, I don’t see how I missed your comment earlier, but you may be giving more credit than I deserve. But the previous post was an inspiration for this one, as I contemplated putting up a picture of the asshat now living in the White Cafe-au-lait House (“Cafe-au-lait” here being a euphemism for “dung-spattered”).

    1. Well, TF, it’s much more flattering than he deserves. At least I ,put him on the same page as a great president. (Not that Washington was without flaws of his own. I do hold the Whiskey Rebellion and the way it was handled against him a tad… Still, on a 1-10 scale of greatness, with Washington meriting a well-deserved 9, The 0! would rate in negative numbers. )

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