6 Replies to “Message to Congress”

    1. Oh, I agree, Perri. It’s just that EVERYTHING is really on Congress’ shoulders: executive misbehavior, judicial misbehavior, bureaucrappic misbehavior and especially congressional misbehavior. In all cases, especially with unelected justices and bureaucraps but also with presidents and their cabinets, etc., misbehaving at breakneack speeds left and right, Congress has the responsibility to say, “Hold your horses, bubbas and bubbitas! We have a Constitution and what you’re doing is in violation of its principles and specific language, so cut it out! We won’t finance it, we will haul you before our body for impeachment, etc.” But a Congress whose members are almost universally in vilation of their oaths of office to defend the Constitution and abide by its limitations is just more encouragement for the Bonfire of the Vanities

    1. In a word, Stanford, no. But it’s not just that they’re too stupid (no matter how individually “intelligent” they may be), but their venality and lust for power (as a class) prevents them from being the public SERVANTS they are theoretically elected to be.

  1. America has experienced many dire circumstances. To date we have risen to the challenges at some point and righted the ship. I am still optimistic that will remain the case. There have been signs to support that sentiment lately.

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