
Concerns about Obama’s disingenuity on the issue of illegal alien coverage under his proposals for nationalizing health care are misplaced. Sure, he does probably intend to offer amnesty (by some less loaded term in order to deny that it is in fact amnesty, just like Bush II tried to do) so illegals would be covered under his grab of 15% of the economy, but that’s not the disturbing thing.

No, as he’s made clear, by appointing crooks and liars and thieves (Oh, my!) to cabinet and other positions of power, and by not just his constant lies but the way he lies and uses the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind as his own unreconstructed Pravda, he fully intends to make the US just like Mexico in at least one very important regard: he is remaking the US government over at warp speed into the same kind of kleptocratic kakistocracy that is Mexico’s criminal organization operating under the legal fiction of being a “legitimate government”.

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